Thursday, April 21, 2011

Is there a viable alternative to Facebook on the horizon?

By Mike Galaxy
New tech trends are racing up and down the digital super freeway at break neck speeds. Just as a new start up builds momentum and acquires financial seeding, there is another company in development ready to knock them off their PR podium. Myspace did it to Friendster. Facebook did it to Myspace. And now it appears there are some new companies aiming their sites at Facebook with plans to take down the networking empire with their own plans for a new social society.

According to a very brief tweet this morning from former Myspace CTO Dmitry Shapiro, it appears that he is planning to take on Facebook with his new start up Altly tweeting, “I know it sounds crazy, but our new company,, is building an alternative to Facebook. More details soon :)". 

So, what exactly is Altly you ask? Hell, we don't know either. The web site merely states that they are working on an alternative and provides an email contact. Is this is a shameless plug, or a calculated PR move? Either way, it has got my attention, as well as some other insiders buzzing. 

Dmitry Shaprio's entrepreneurial credentials go back to 2005 when he founded and launched Veho, an internet television platform with heavy funding coming in from Time Warner, Goldman Sachs, Michael Eisner and others. The online TV site went belly up in 2010 filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Shapiro then joined Myspace attempting to resurrect the social site but leaving abruptly after only a year. Shapiro has also held web development positions at and Fujitsu Business Communication Systems.

All updates on Altly and Shapiro's plans will be posted here. Meanwhile, we can all set our Email News Alerts on this subject to stay current with developments. 

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